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One Young World Summit Montréal/Tiohtiá:ke, 2024

Advancing the Future of Disability Advocacy

  • 13:44 - 14:14, 21 September
  • Palais des Congrès
  • JCCM Entrepreneur Stage

This panel delves into the evolving landscape of disability advocacy, emphasising the need to sustain progress and drive impactful change. Highlighting the work of two young leaders from the UK, this session showcases their work in advancing advocacy and entrepreneurship within the disability rights movement. From shaping government policy to tackling challenges in the aviation industry, attendees will gain valuable insights on how to make a tangible impact and ensure that disability rights continue to advance.


  • Joshua Wintersgill
    Founder and Director of Able Move Ltd
  • Celia Chartres-Aris
    Government Special Advisor, Unlearning Ableism