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One Young World Summit Montréal/Tiohtiá:ke, 2024

Climate Change: Threats and Solutions with Communities

  • 12:40 - 13:10, 19 September
  • Palais des Congrès
  • JCCM Entrepreneur Stage

Facilitated by the Prince Albert II Monaco Foundation, this session will discuss innovative solutions to tackling threats to communities as a result of climate change. Featuring perspectives from emerging leaders from the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Indonesia, we'll explore the importance of building climate resilience in local communities through collective action.


  • Sheherazade
    Co-Director of PROGRES (Sulawesi Regional Ecological Conservation Initiative)
  • Théo Panizzi
    Re.Generation Future Leaders Program, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation
  • Carla Gautier
    Founder, KONTi Design Build Studio