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One Young World Summit Montréal/Tiohtiá:ke, 2024


Superpowers at the table: The importance of US/China dialogue

  • 09:08 - 09:38, 21 September
  • Presentation Stage

Following on from the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) Presentation Stage session, this panel will discuss the importance of US/China dialogue. Welcoming two One Young World scholars supported by CUSEF, panelists will explore the critical role that young people have in promoting East-West exchanges, and discuss how they are driving forward positive change to ensure dialogue between these two global powers continues to evolve. This discussion will highlight the innovative approaches that young leaders are using to bridge cultural and political divides, fostering mutual understanding and collaboration.


  • Myron Brilliant
    Former Executive Vice President and Head of International, US Chamber and Founder, Brilliant Impact Group and Senior Counselor to Counsellor to DGA-ASG
  • Dr Da Wei
    Director, Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University
  • Professor Thuli Madonsela
    Advocate, the High Court of South Africa and Former Public Protector, South Africa
  • James Chau
    President, China-United States Exchange Foundation and Goodwill Ambassador, WHO