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One Young World Summit Montréal/Tiohtiá:ke, 2024

Youth-Led Innovation: Insights from Lead2030's SDG 3 Changemakers

  • 12:40 - 13:10, 20 September
  • Palais des Congrès
  • IKEA Open Home

This session will feature two Lead2030 SDG 3 Challenge winners supported by AstraZeneca. The panel will delve into how companies can genuinely embrace a youth-led approach by investing in and collaborating with innovative changemakers. Through their personal stories, we’ll explore the challenges they've encountered and gather their advice for other youth-led initiatives.


  • Roos Bruggink
    Global Community Investment Senior Manager, AstraZeneca
  • Ajay Mittal
    Convenor, Bengal Clean Air Network
  • Eliezer Lappots-Abreu
    CEO & President, Health Horizons International